Vignesh S


jQuery allows us to apply effects to a web page.
Display Effects:
  • hide() - Hides the selected elements.
  • show() - Displays the hidden elements.
  • toggle() - Toggles between hiding and showing the selected elements.
Fading Effects:
  • fadeIn() - Fades in the selected elements.
  • fadeOut() - Fades out the selected elements.
  • fadeToggle() - Toggles the fading in and out of the selected elements.
  • fadeTo() - Fades the selected elements to a specified opacity.
Sliding Effects:
  • slideDown() - Slides down the selected elements to show them.
  • slideUp() - Slides up the selected elements to hide them.
  • slideToggle() - Toggles between sliding up and down.
Other Effects:
  • animate() - Performs custom animations on the selected elements.
  • delay() - Delays the execution of subsequent queued effects on the selected elements.


jQuery offers numerous methods for applying effects to a web page.
  1. animate() - Performs animation on the selected elements.
  2. clearQueue() - Removes all remaining queued functions from the selected elements.
  3. delay() - Sets a delay before executing all queued functions on the selected elements.
  4. dequeue() - Removes the next function from the queue and executes it.
  5. fadeIn() - Fades in the selected elements by making them opaque.
  6. fadeOut() - Fades out the selected elements by making them transparent.
  7. fadeTo() - Adjusts the opacity of the selected elements, effectively fading them in or out.
  8. fadeToggle() - Toggles the visibility of the selected elements, switching between fading in and out.
  9. finish() - Stops, removes, and completes all queued animations on the selected elements.
  10. hide() - Hides the selected elements.
  11. queue() - Displays or manipulates the queue of methods to be executed on the selected elements.
  12. show() - Displays the selected elements.
  13. slideDown() - Slides down the selected elements to show them.
  14. slideToggle() - Toggles the visibility of the selected elements, sliding them up or down.
  15. slideUp() - Slides up the selected elements to hide them.
  16. stop() - Stops the currently running animation on the selected elements.
  17. toggle() - Toggles the visibility of the selected elements, switching between hiding and showing them.
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